Final Constructs
Both Adobe 2018 and Lucee Engines support the usage of final
constructs for three contexts:
Variables (Constants)
Final modifiers disallow the modifications to the source code to maintain stricter programming constructs. This would be used when you do not want to allow code to override your component or function or variable. This can be a great asset if you are building libraries, frameworks or APIs that require fine granular control of how they can be extended or used.
Final Components
Components can be declared as final, meaning they cannot be extended (inheritance) by other components. This is the ultimate code reuse blocker! However, a final component CAN extend other components.
Final components can be used to prevent inheritance where it is not allowed. Great for APIs, frameworks, and libraries where the author wants to be strict about the usage of such code templates.
Unlike abstract
a function can be final
even if the component is not final
Final Functions
Functions within a component can also be declared as final
. Final methods cannot be overridden by sub-components. Final methods can be used to limit the extent to which sub-components redefine the behavior of the parent classes.
This may be useful when frameworks/base components are being developed, to ensure the same implementation is being followed in all derived classes.
Final Variables
Variables declared as final are ensured to be constants for the rest of the execution process. The value of that final variable cannot be modified post-construction of the component. Usually these constructs are used in variables defined in the pseudo-constructor.
Usually, final variables should be in uppercase to denote them as contstants as per Java conventions and best practices.
Important: The variables that contain references to other objects cannot be re-bound to reference news or other objects. i.e., If a final
variable holds a reference to an array, the reference may not be updated to a new array – but the contents of the original array itself may be updated. The same should apply to structures.
Last updated
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